Driving Safety Tips for July 4th Weekend
Independence Day is right around the corner and July 4th weekend at the Lake can be really busy, but fun! From fantastic fireworks displays to delicious food that will make you want to keep coming back for more - the Lake area has so much to offer on this great holiday weekend. It's important to keep in mind that thousands of people can come to the Lake from all over and driving safely is a must! It takes all of us driving cautiously to make for a great, but safe weekend and our law firm at the Lake of the Ozarks is here to give you a few driving safety tips for July 4th weekend at the Lake of the Ozarks. If you are the victim or a car accident in need of a Camden County personal injury attorney you can count on, call Phillps, McElyea, Carpenter, and Welch today for your free consultation. We can be reached at (573) 346-7231. Driving Safety Tips for July 4th Weekend Pay attention more, speed less. There are so many things people do while driving that can distrac...