4 Types Of Legal Issues Businesses Commonly Face

Even under the best possible circumstances, every small business owner will hit bumps in the road every now and then. A company's success depends on how quickly, efficiently, and effectively you address the situations that may arise. If left unaddressed, even seemingly small issues run the risk of developing into larger and potentially disastrous situations. Today, our Lake of the Ozarks business attorneys are here to examine some of the legal situations that small business owners may face.

1. Sexual Harassment Claims

Sexual harassment is prohibited by U.S. laws. Sexual harassment claims are generally lumped into two primary categories: quid pro quo and hostile work environment. Quid pro quo refers to a "this for that" scenario, wherein a person of power offers another person a career benefit (pay raise, promotion, new job, etc) in exchange for sexual favors. Hostile work environment refers to any situation wherein certain individuals are made to feel uncomfortable due to sexually (or otherwise) inappropriate gestures, comments, actions, pictures, etc. If someone files a sexual harassment complaint towards someone within your company, it is essential that you take swift action to remedy the situation.

2. Copyright Claims

As a business owner, you are responsible for ensuring that you and your employees do not violate copyright laws, such as using documents created by another. Copyright claims can crop up anywhere, but because of their nature, they frequently manifest in the marketing department. As you write product/service descriptions, publish posts on social media, build videos to advertise your business, and put together other promotional content, it is essential that you only use material that you (or others within your company) create. Using other people's content (such as images you found in a Google search) can put your business at risk of copyright infringement.

3. Immigration Audits

In order to legally work in the United States, employees must be U.S. citizens or have proper documentation giving them permission to obtain employment within our country. If illegal immigrants are caught working in the United States, they aren't the only ones who face hefty consequences - the business owner who hired them may face serious ramifications as well. As the business owner, it is your legal responsibility to ensure that your new employees are allowed to work in the States. If you haven't yet, we recommend conducting a personal audit to make sure that all of your employees are legal.

4. Unhappy Customers

"If the customer isn't happy, no one is happy." On one hand it seems crazy to give so much power to the customer, but the truth is that customers are the lifeblood of small businesses. Without new and repeat customers, a business cannot survive. Unhappy customers can be disastrous, as they may hurt your company's reputation by frequently talking about the unpleasantness of their experience. Depending on the situation, they may take things a step further by suing your company. Lawsuits are expensive, time-consuming, and (depending on the outcome) potentially disastrous for small businesses.

Our Business Attorneys Are Here For You

When it comes to legal situations within your small business, the age-old adage is certainly true: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. As you conduct your business on a daily basis, it is important that you try to minimize your chances of encountering any legally compromising situation.

Of course, challenges may sometimes arise even in spite of your best efforts. When these situations occur, our Mid-Missouri business lawyers will be here to defend your rights and protect your company's interests. For more information about our business law services in Camdenton MO, visit our website: www.pmcwlaw.com

Law Offices of Phillips, McElyea, Carpenter, & Welch, P.C.
The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertising. When you need a knowledgeable attorney, we invite you to contact us to set up a consultation. Evening and weekend appointments are available. We have access to interpreters.

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