It’s National Distracted Driving Awareness Month

April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. One of the leading causes of distracted driving is driving while intoxicated. Do not drink and drive. You could seriously injure or kill someone or yourself. You could also be charged with a DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) and seriously impact your driving record. If you do find yourself getting a DWI, call Phillips, McElyea, Carpenter, and Welch at 573-346-7231 for a free consultation. Our law office in Camdenton provides effective legal representation and we have an open-door policy, we welcome walk-ins who wish to discuss their legal needs. In honor of National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, here are a few distracted driving statistics you should be aware of, along with a few driving safety tips you should follow.

Distracted Driving Statistics

In 2015:

3,477 people were killed by distracted driving.

391,000 people were injured by distracted driving.

660,000 drivers were estimated to be using electronic devices while driving during the day


Over 1,600 teenagers are killed each year because of crashes involving texting.

While teens are texting while driving, they veer off the lane 10% of their drive time.

25% of teenagers respond to at least one text while driving, each time they drive.


Driving Safety Tips

1. Adjust your radio BEFORE you start driving.
While many of the newer cars come with a handy radio adjuster on the steering wheel, there are still those who don’t have that option. If that sounds like you, adjust your radio station before you leave your home or work. Looking down to adjust it while you are driving can lead to a serious accident.

2. Pay attention.
A text is not worth crashing your car and hurting people over. Either turn your phone on silent or turn it off while you are driving. This way you aren’t as tempted to answer a text you receive while driving. Wait until you get to your destination before you try texting someone or checking your social media messages.

3. Stick to the speed limit.
While it can be very tempting to speed, whether you are running late for work or picking up your kids, don’t do it. The speed limits are there for a reason and the chances of you getting into an accident can increase simply by you ignoring the speed limit and speeding.

Call Phillips, McElyea, Carpenter and Welch Today for Your Free Consultation!

We hope you found these distracted driving statistics and driving safety tips enlightening and helpful. Distracting driving is no laughing matter and it takes everyone following the rules of the road in order to make a difference. Our criminal defense lawyers at the Lake of the Ozarks have met with many people who have received DWIs. We can’t stress enough, don’t drink and drive. It’s bad news for everyone involved, but if you do end up getting a DWI call our criminal defense attorneys for a free consultation today.

Law Offices of Phillips, McElyea, Carpenter, & Welch, P.C.
The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertising. When you need a knowledgeable attorney, we invite you to contact us to set up a consultation. Evening and weekend appointments are available. We have access to interpreters.

We accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover.

85 Court Circle N.W., P.O. Box 559
Camdenton, MO 65020   GET A MAP
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