How Can a Criminal Record Affect Your Future?

There are over 65 million Americans living their lives with a criminal record. When you have a criminal record, you face many challenges in life, from finding a career to trying to rent an apartment. You may have done your time, but once your sentence is over, the struggle to live a normal life is real. Our experienced criminal defense attorneys at the Lake of the Ozarks are here to share some significant statistics we have found regarding criminal records in America. Read on to see how these people will probably be impacted in life with a criminal record. If you ever find yourself facing criminal charges, call Phillips, McElyea, Carpenter, and Welch immediately.

We found this article on the National Institute of Justice website that clearly indicates how a major portion of the United States has a criminal record.

Source: - Amy Solomon

A Substantial Share of the U.S. Population Has Arrest Records

A study shows that nearly one-third of American adults have been arrested by age 23.

This record will keep many people from obtaining employment, even if they have paid their dues, are qualified for the job and are unlikely to reoffend. At the same time, it is the chance at a job that offers hope for people involved in the criminal justice system, as we know from research that stable employment is an important predictor of successful re-entry and desistance from crime.

Criminal records run the gamut — from one-time arrests where charges are dropped, to lengthy, serious and violent criminal histories. Most arrests are for relatively minor or nonviolent offenses. Among the nearly 14 million arrests recorded in 2009, only 4 percent were considered among the most serious violent crimes (which include murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault). Another 10 percent of all arrests were for simple assault; these do not involve a weapon or aggravated injury but often include domestic violence and intimate partner violence. The remainder of the arrests in 2009 were for:

  • Property crimes, which accounted for 18 percent of arrests. These include burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, arson, vandalism, stolen property, forgery and counterfeiting, fraud and embezzlement.
  • Drug offenses, which accounted for 12 percent of arrests. These include production, distribution or use of controlled substances.
  • Other offenses, which accounted for 56 percent of all arrests. These include disorderly conduct, drunkenness, prostitution, vagrancy, loitering, driving under the influence and weapons violations.

How a Criminal Record Can Affect Your Future

Having a criminal record can affect your future in a number of ways, including making it more challenging to:

  • Get accepted into the best college
  • Find a job to support yourself
  • Find housing

...and so much more.

When looking for a career after serving time, you automatically face the challenge of getting hired at a quality company. Employers want to feel like they can trust their employees and having a criminal record can make you seem untrustworthy. 

Having the best education you can get, can make you a better job candidate and stand out from the others. Many college applications require you to list whether or not you have been convicted of a crime. Colleges have the responsibility to keep their students safe and convicted criminals could jeopardize that.

When you apply to rent an apartment, you are most likely required to indicate you have a criminal record on the application. Landlords are legally allowed to deny your application because this is not considered illegal discrimination. If you are buying a house, you may also not be considered a viable mortgage loan candidate.

Criminal Defense at the Lake of the Ozarks

When you are facing criminal charges, it can feel like the legal system in unfairly punishing you. It's important to remember that you have rights that are guaranteed by the Constitution, when you are dealing with a criminal investigation. If you find yourself needing an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Camden County, call Phillips, McElyea, Carpenter, and Welch.

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