What Can I Expect If I'm Hoping for Alimony?
Alimony, or spousal support, is known as the financial support one might get from an ex-spouse in result of a divorce. This money is an attempt to keep both parties “lifestyle” as close to the "lifestyle" they have grown accustomed to as possible. However, you can’t just get alimony by asking, you have to qualify for it and it must be granted to you. An experienced divorce attorney at the Lake of the Ozarks can help you determine whether you have a good chance of getting alimony or not. Let’s look at what factors into being granted alimony in a divorce case. How Do I Know if I Qualify for Alimony or Spousal Support? When the court determines whether or not alimony should be granted, they are looking at a few different things: • Can the spouse wanting financial support, support themselves? • Are they able to acquire a job on their own? • Did the married couple have a child who needs special attention? If so, would the primary caregiver/parent be able work o...